The co2 Calculator

The CO2 Calculator

    Travelling by plane or by train

    If you travel by air or by train, insert the kilometres you travel in a year.

    • Journeys by train in one year

    • Long-distance journeys by plane in one year

    • Short-distance journeys by plane in one year

    Journeys by car

    Choose the means you use (car/scooter) for your daily journeys and indicate the kilometres travelled in one year

    • Small car with petrol engine under 1400 cc

    • Medium-sized car with petrol engine between 1400 and 2100 cc

    • Large car with petrol engine over 2100 cc

    • Small car with diesel engine under 2000 cc

    • Large car with diesel engine over 2000 cc

    • Car using LP gas

    • Scooter under 125 cc

    • Motorbike under 500 cc

    • Motorbike over 500 cc

    Weekly food consumption

    Choose the food you usually eat and write how much you eat in a week, in grammes (g) or litres (l)

    Consumption of Energy

    • Average CO2 emission per citizen: Italy = 6,700; Switzerland = 5,000; USA = 17,600; Morocco = 1,600; Chad = 0

    • Every new tree planted can absorb ____ KG of carbon dioxide each yearTOT KG

    • If every inhabitant of planet Earth had the same lifestyle as you do, this number of planets, entirely covered in forests, would be needed to neutralise the carbon dioxide emitted.

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